Monday, April 11, 2016


Left to right: Sennika, Gavin, and Leland in the front
Written Apr 7, 2016

This is Gavin and Leland's room they share together.  The kids love to play/build (what would you call it?) with Legos.  It blows my mind as I play with them how easily and purposefully they snap Legos together.  "Lego land," as they refer to Gavin's Lego table, changes from day to day.  It has been anything from space themed to animal themed to a remake of our house.  If you haven't caught yet, we are enthusiastic supporters of creative play.  Their time playing Legos fits this bill.  They are all "master builders."  
I am lucky if my attempts pass the test to be used in Lego land.  Although I am not a master builder, I do have one advantage and it's persuasion.  Gavin is usually more easily swayed than Sennika as I describe the really cool thing I just built and how it may be useful.  Although I really don't like to play with Legos because 1. it isn't "fun" to me nor would I consider it "relaxing" like they do and 2. quite frankly I'm really bad at it, I play any way.  To me it's like playing Barbies or tea party or cars. We feel it's important to play with our children.  To let them decide the games, the rule, the details.  To tell us what to do. To let them be the leader instead of Mom and Dad "always bossing them around." Oh what joyful memories I have been able to soak up in this be in on their little lives.

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