Friday night we watched "Finding Nemo" for movie night. Mark tucked the kids in and prepared for our date while I snuck away for a hair cut. Mark and I had an at-home-date. He made stir-fry and we talked while we ate. After such a long week with Shipton coming to our room half the nights this week, we were happy for a more calm and uneventful date.
Saturday we took the morning slow. We didn't seem to accomplish anything more than being together and enjoying the kids. I played the organ, then Mark went to the temple. We will be doing sealing together Wednesday, so that will count for my worship. While Mark was gone, then kids and I prepared for the Sabbath.
We had the ward/neighborhood family game night after dinner Saturday. It was a very interactive night complete with lots of sugar. The kids were drenched in sweat from running around so much. Everyone seemed to have a good time. We left early because it was past bed time. We had gotten Leland tucked into bed and finally were getting the other three to wind down when the door bell rang. When the doorbells rings at our house, it is like an alarm going off or something. ALL of the kids run to the door at once announcing they will get it. Mommy got there first this time. It was one of the men in charge of the event. "Shipton won," he said as he placed a jar of 138 suckers in my hands. There had been a "guess how many" jar and Shipton (AKA Mom) had guessed the closest.
Yesterday we were part of a double quartet to sing "This is the Christ," during Sacrament meeting. It is a beautiful song and arrangement, and it brought joy to my heart to sing with others who are musically inclined and with firm testimonies of Christ. I felt a bit awkward because it was such an ordeal to get us both covered to participate. We had 3 different people helping with kids. I am grateful for so many willing hands and friends who support us! We had a wonderful Sacrament meeting. One of the speakers said something that really struck me. It was something along the lines of "the difference between just reading or hearing something and stirring testimony is the Spirit." That was a wonderful reminder to do all I can to invite and keep His constant companionship, for it will bless all I have part of. Shipton has a runny nose (hence up so much at nights), so he went to meetings with Daddy. The nursery was quiet without him. I didn't realize until yesterday that he is the most chatty child there. We talked about being grateful and it was my turn to help the kids sing. Mark had a Stake Priesthood meeting last night. He said there were reminders from the training with Elder Ballad back in January.
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