Why adoption?

The short version is here below.  

More details are strung together HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE with all details put together HERE.


Our journey in adding to our family through adoption may seem some-what non-traditional compared to most where we have been blessed with four biological children of our own. We are seeking adoption because: 

1.  There is a little black girl who needs to join our family...we don't have the right DNA for that! :)  In addition, we will consider any gender, ethnicity, or combination of ethnicities. We are open to consider more than one child.

2.  Through 8 pregnancies, including two sets of twins, we have discovered that although I (Katy) don't have an actual blood clotting disorder (trust us, we have taken every test possible), my body kicks out blood clots during pregnancy.  

These clots have lodged behind the placenta where during Gavin's, Leland's, and possibly Shipton's pregnancy, part of the placenta died and pulled away.  The placenta is the organ responsible for delivering oxygen, nutrients, and water to baby and removing wastes from baby.  The placenta doesn't regenerate. Without a fully functioning placenta, we walked on rocky ground waiting, hoping, and praying for miracles. Those pregnancies included bed rest and extra doctors appointments. Through trial and error, we have tried and tried again. We have explored both medical and holistic approaches to make me a better candidate for healthy pregnancies. This is the first time we have felt at peace that we have done all we can to work with this...that it isn't going away. The doctors also believe the clotting has been the reason behind so many miscarriages as well.  Although we have literally picked our month to conceive, it has been difficult emotionally, mentally, and physically for our whole family to continue to bring children into our home through pregnancy.  

As we look at our beautiful children, we are grateful for the courage to keep trying!  What if we had given up because it seemed too hard to keep going? All of the moments of difficulty have been worth it to bring these children into our arms! Right now we are holding tight to our past experiences and not giving up easily on adoption either.  We don't want to stop short of more children that need to come to our home.

We have witnessed miracles of two types through our journey in adding to our family:
~Miracles where God has made a way when there is none...where He changed our impossible circumstances.  We have literally watched the impossible become possible in our boys coming safely into our arms.  To us these cherished experiences whisper that there is a God and that He is aware of the intimate details of our lives.
~Miracles where He has changed us and enabled us to bear up our burdens...where He has swallowed up our grief and loss in His joy.

For us the thought of being able to add another child to our family is thrilling. We love being parents! (okay...let's be honest...most of the time). :) Although adoption brings completely new challenges than we have yet encountered, we look forward to adding to our family in this way and watching the miracles continue unfolding in connecting us with our child(ren). We know God will continue to make the impossible possible. It blows our minds to consider on how unlikely it is that a simple family would be granted this opportunity of a life-time, but we know God knows how it will all come together. We are confident He has this one too.

To our Birth family and their families: We look forward to sharing this child with YOU...you and your family becoming a natural extension of our own.


~Katy (Mark, and excited little ones) xoxoxo

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