Out enjoying family time together. <3 |
Mark in Virginia (bragging about his beach front hotel). :) |
Gavin and Dad on Temple Square. |
He has tried his hand at a number of home repairs and renovations lately, and has discovered a newfound hobby that will keep him busy for spare moments to come. :) We have enjoyed redoing the main areas of our home recently, and look forward to more exciting projects.
Dad reading bedtime stories to Leland. |
Mark has been our rock this year. He has held down the fort (and then some!) as I have been away from home more than we have ever experienced before in the past. The kids are bouncing up and down as I walk in the door to tell me how Dad "did this" and "said this" and let them "do that." The extra Daddy time this year has been so fun for the kids (and for Mark, too). We have learned so much as a couple and family!
I made this shirt. <3 |
If I told you about my past 12 months, you
probably wouldn't believe me! :) I still hardly can believe it myself. It has been wild and filled with miracles and opportunities to grow and expand.
Serving the women and families in my stake has been an incredible privilege! I wrote in my journal just this morning that if I were to be released today for some unforeseeable reason, I would be completely at peace. Together with my presidency, the stake presidency, and ward leaders, we have served with the Savior to powerfully influence the women of this stake and their faith in Jesus Christ. I have witnessed miracles, and am living proof that God can take anybody who is willing, no matter how under qualified they may be, and work through them to fulfill His purposes and touch lives for the better. I have loved every minute!
After my 200 hour YTT (Yoga Teacher Training) in 2018, I only have one more weekend to make up (and a retreat that was rescheduled due to weather), and then I will be a certified Hatha yoga instructor!!! Woot! I plan to do another 200 hour YTT starting this spring, but this will be for Kundalini Yoga. We are also tentatively planning a trip for me to NYC for training in yoga therapy for kids who have been through trauma. I will start teaching a Yoga Therapy Prana I Course out of a therapist's office in Logan this fall. We plan to also bring kids yoga to this office after adult yoga is established. I hope to eventually develop (and later teach a YTT) of my own creation of a yoga therapy course for kids who have been through trauma. I also hope to create a mindful parenting/trauma informed parenting course that incorporates yoga. I will be offering 2 free trial yoga movement classes in a few weeks, then if it goes well, will be hired to teach weekly movement classes on an online forum for women with betrayal trauma. So amazing to watch all of this unfold and know that I am exactly where God needs me to be! <3
Shipton and Mom selfie. :) |
This week as I was about to leave for a meeting, Shipton said, "Mom, I know that you would rather stay with me instead of go to your meeting if you could because I know that you love me." <3 I am so grateful that he knows that because there have been many, many moments when I have felt torn between home and the demands outside of my home. This has been new (yet exciting) territory for me and my family. After so much time as a homemaker, this has been a big deal to step into the professional world again (and so crazy to have training underway then be called to serve on top of it!). We are grateful that I work for myself, so I can set my own schedule and pace. Although we aren't keeping life on hold for adoption any more, this work arrangement for me can easily be adjusted with short notice. We expect our plans for my work schedule will be a perfect fit as we look at our anticipated family life this fall. Shipton will be 5 years old, so all 4 of our kids will go to an all day homeschooling co-op group one day a week. That is just enough time to teach the 2 1/2 hours Yoga Therapy Course, take a few QNRT clients, then be back home with the kids for the rest of the week as a homeschooling mama and free up our weekends from clients. I love that we have found a way that I can have the best of both worlds!
I feel so privileged and blessed for the treasured experiences, growth, and knowledge that I have had in the past 12 month in all areas of my life. <3 I have grown so much personally through the events of the past year, and I am in awe to be in so many positions to influence, love, and reach others right now as well.
Just home from a temple trip. |
One of her chicken's died a few months ago. That broke her little heart.:( Since then, she has made the decision to re-home the rest. We found an adorable farm with an attentive family for one chicken, and tentatively will be re-homing the other two to some friends from our homeschooling co-op group. She hopes to get a little pet parakeet instead. <3
Senn is still at the same dance studio; however, she is doing tumbling this year and loves it. She is learning how to add strength to her super flexibility, and it has been so good for her to learn that new skills require patience and practice. We are so proud of how much she has improved and that she has stayed with it even though it has been difficult for her. She still loves to read, and spends more free time in a good book than on anything else! She still loves to draw and create. She has made several good friends her age this year, which has been so fun for her. Two of her friends are also homeschooled, and moved just around the block, so they get together as often as possible. She is a wonderful help around the house, and can be really sweet with the boys (but still struggles with their teasing)! We are grateful for this amazing daughter of ours!!!
So typical of Gavin and his sense of humor |
Scouts has continued to be fun for him as well. He is a Webelos now. We just got home tonight from the Cub of the Year banquet where he was recognized as the Cub of the Year for our unit! He will get to march in the Peach Day's parade and help carry flags, and is looking forward to it.
He has made several good friends this year, too. One is his bestie at church and scouts. He gets to sit by him most weeks, and his friend's mom even has these two going to ward choir every week! His other two best friends also homeschool, so it has been so much fun to get in lots of play dates together with good friends.
Mark bought a wii this fall. I'm still not sure how I feel about it,:) but Gavin has loved exploring this new world. He especially loves the Lego movie wii games. We have a game store near our house, so most of his chore money has been going to games lately.
Gavin folded 10 origami claws :) |
Le went to scouts like this one week. I was dying (and still laughed as I pulled this picture up tonight). THIS KID!!! <3 |
We are so proud of Leland's decision to be baptized last year! He tries so hard to be good and understand how to use the gift of the Holy Ghost. <3 He is so extremely honest, and we appreciate that he is truthful, even when he is worried about the consequences or outcomes from the choices or mistakes he has made.
Leland can be rowdy; however, most of the time he is gentle and sweet. Gavin and Leland (and usually Shipton) love playing together both inside and outside, alone, together, or with friends. As hard as it was for me to accept that I have 3 little boys because I never pictured myself as a boy mom, :) I am so glad now! These three are such great friends. Every day is an adventure! Once school and chores are done, the rest of the day is free time, which these boys usually spend on creative play...building, experimenting, creating, outside play. And Leland is right in the middle of it (which is usually Gavin initiated, :) but Leland is happy to join in).
I'm not sure why, but Leland has been way into frogs lately...so he got a chocolate frog for Valentine's Day. :) |
Leland has gotten really good at folding origami along with Gavin. We just shuffled bedrooms around, and he has his own room for the very first time. He is loving the chance to spread out and set things up how he wants them to be. He is also loving scouts as a Wolf. We are grateful to have Leland in our family and his big and tender heart!!!
Ship in his PJ Mask suit. This stage is so fun! ...but the superhero dress ups are starting to die out in the past few months. |
As mentioned, he loves playing with his brothers. He still loves cats...not sure when that will change (if ever). :) When we go to the library, he only picks books with cats on the cover.
He loves building with his duplos, playing with his robotic cats, and digging in the sandbox. He was in one of my kids yoga classes at the kids gym and has become a little yoga expert. He asked Mark a few days ago, "Dad, do you know why I'm so fast?" (Mark was stumped). "It's because I do yoga!" <3 He teaches ANYBODY who will listen all of the different yoga poses and promises them that they will be fast and strong if they do it too. :)
Have you noticed yet that he does thumbs up whenever he poses for pictures? :) Ship dressed up like an Indian around Thanksgiving (for preschool). |
Ship and Dad are even better pals than before (if that is even possible!). He wants to go wherever Dad goes. He loves to help, especially in the kitchen and with chores around the house. He loves to color, draw, and paint. He is starting to read simple words! It is so stink'n cute to hear him sound out letters. I can't explain it, but he gets a completely different voice and makes sure to double the sounds for word with double consonants. :) Ship is a streak of sunshine and we can't imagine life without him!!!
One of the kids' favorite stores: BAM! It's a Lego store. Here the kids are building custom mini figures. |
Decorating Christmas cookies |
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At the Grand Canyon |
I have left the blog un-updated for so long because living life was too fast paced to document it for the first 6 months, then we were expecting to be taking this blog down with being matched for adoption. We don't know what the future will hold. We still hope that it will somehow and sometime include adoption...but if not, we see how greatly blessed we have been (and are). During our couple prayers this morning, Mark thanked our Heavenly Father for the blessings He has continued to pour out on our family over and over again. Truly, we are so blessed!!! God is good, and we have been showered with His love in this time and season of our lives.
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