This was from Ship's b-day back in April. I'm not sure if it made it up or not. |
I think we had other pictures of our big Easter Egg hunt, right? Since Easter is close to my b-day, I asked for an Easter party and invited my friends (I was the primary chorister at the time, so we invited my primary kiddos and their families). Our own kids were happy egg fillers and hiders. |
This picture gives me reassurance that sometimes I am doing my job right as a Mama. I LOVE that these two read and read and read. |
Sennika drew a picture of Dad. :D |
"Super Cat!" AKA Shipton (note the awesome cape). Essential to save the day...along with arms flailed behind him so it swooshes after him as he runs. :) |
Gavin helped me paint. I love this color! It's Robin Egg Blue. |
Sennika and I sent all of the boys off camping (this is the first year we haven't had Ship stay with us). We had so much needed "G.T.," or "Girl Time." I never expected to have so many boys and only one daughter. I don't regret the mix, it has simply surprised me. Being so feminine, I wasn't expecting to many boys. We love them, but we also love doing things that only girls can do. We had some extra special time that night. It was stormy and Senn was scared by the wind. She crawled into my bed shortly after we had said goodnight. We stayed up taking WAY too late. Keeping a strong relationship with each one of our children is important to both of us as parents. The children behave differently with individual time with one or both parents than in group interactions. Although there are a million ways I can use my time, I was always keep a flexible enough schedule to make time to stay close to each of my children. Some day it would be fun to actually get to purchase the baby girl clothes Senn and I sometimes window shop for. (Senn usually begs to pass through the baby aisle at walmart to take in the cuteness). In the future it may be wonderful for Senn to have a sister to love as only sisters can and one more daughter to enjoy G.T. with. Until then, we will keep enjoying our time as the only girls in this boy-infested family. lol.:) |
This is my Grandma O (my mom's mom) and my mom. We got together with most of my sisters for a Mother's Day tea party in Idaho. |
Have I talked about the chickens? I think so, right? We got little puff balls on Easter weekend and started our flock. Senn literally calls them her babies. She LOVES the little bird brains! They seem to love the kids too. They race to the door of the hen house when they hear them open the backdoor to the house. They have spent more of their free time this summer playing with the chickens than any other way. |
Field trip to the local botanical gardens. |
Gavin all ready to head out for his first scout camp! |
Field trip to the Bird Refuge. |
Solar Eclipse! |
Leland's b-day piñata! |
I was dying over this card! Gavin took a picture off of Leland's poster board and used a body he cut out from his Friend Magazine. I'm not entirely sure why it hit me as so funny...even know I am still chuckling about it! |
Gavin has been my regular yoga buddy lately. The other kids only have the patience and attention for a 3 minute mediation each, but Gavin has been doing my daily practice with me (30 min). |
Senn makes a lovely yoga buddy too! |
Senn helping Ship build magforms. |
The yoga girls again. |
I was up the apple tree trying to get the remaining apples. Senn thought it was pretty funny. |
Shipton with another favorite cape (a V-Day tablecloth). :) |
Senn nervously about to head into her first day of dance class. She did ballet back in ID. We finally got her into a super fun class here in UT. |
Gav again. |
I don't know why, but this felt like such a magical moment. Everyone was finishing up lunch. I love when they all decide to sit at the counter and I can look into all 4 of their faces (our table only fits 3 chairs per long side, so I always have one next to me). |
Oh, the toilet paper! :s I have a Preschooler Halloween album of music on my IPad. Ship loves to listen to it over and over. One day, with Dad's permission, he decided to turn himself into a mummy while he listened to it...except he ended up turning the house into a mummy instead. He was so excited for Halloween this year. It was adorable! |
My boys! Look at how comfy that both look! This is the one and only day Mark was clean shaven in 2017. We found out he didn't get into the Book of Mormon movie clips for this year (they will continue to record next summer, but won't start accepting applications for a few months---then they are suppose to update the profiles every 3 months to demonstrate hair and beard growth). Mark and Gavin had auditioned for Savior of the World. Mark received an e-mail telling them that the didn't get it. So he shaved. And then the night he shaved I received a voicemail. There had been a mistake and they really did cast Mark and Gavin! He frantically called back the next morning to let them know he had just shaved. They reassured him that they didn't cast him because of his beard. :) So he started growing again the very next day. |
We don't usually do yoga all together at once, but this day we did. |
About to head out for dinner and the General Women's meeting. |
It's tiring work to be a preschooler! Truly! |
Senn was asked to dog sit. I think Ship was excited to see the dog found one of his favorite hiding places too: under the desk. |
Oh, these two! |
Senn's dance company had a super fun Halloween party. She loved her face paint. I love her!!! |
Another yoga buddy shot. |
Can you spot my two spiders---Gavin and Leland---at the park? |
Ship (and a touch of Le). |
Dad took the boys to the park. They had a hey-day gathering hazelnuts. Here is Le's "stash." |
Gav |
Ship |
Carving pumpkins! This is Gavin |
Dad and the boys. |
Le |
The weather his so different here than in ID. It was so hot outside the day before Halloween that the kids got umbrellas to block the sun! |
Mom and Ship. |
The cutest ninja turtle ever! |
Hmmm...Le gives him the run for his money though. |
All four kids about to hit the neighborhood for trick-or-treating. |
Just so classic! I have no idea how other moms get all of their kids to look and actually smile. Haha...but this definitely shows their personalities. :)
Leland's bday cake! |
Gavin and Le trying to position the ramp to launch cars down the stairs.
Dad's B-Day cake!
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