Sunday, April 2, 2017

Trip to CA with Grandma and Grandpa W.: TRAVEL PICS

I know I am months behind on pictures again.  I kept telling myself I would get caught up in January, then February...then we went as a family out of town twice and went through a few rounds of sickness...I am going to hopefully chip away at getting Dec-March up this week...but if not, I will keep working on it. :)

Grandma and Grandpa W. had announced at Christmas years ago that they wanted to take each of their children and their family on a trip any where within the lower US.  They shared fond memories of when Grandma W's parents did that for their family. A few siblings jumped right on it and had fun trips with Grandma and Grandpa and their family. Mark is the baby of his family, so we were still well within child bearing mode at the time of the announcement.  Then Mark didn't have the flexibility with his employment for such a trip.  Just when we were toying with taking the trip, we found out we were moving.  FINALLY, we decided it's the right time.  With homeschool and Mark's work, we are fortunate to be completely flexible on the timing on our end.  Our kids are at a fun age where they are big enough to take on such an adventure, yet young enough to still see the wonder. We all looked forward with excitement and gratitude for their generous offer and the time to spend with them. 

Mom and Dad packing baggies of tummies for the flight the night before.

All our luggage

Left to right: Le, Mom, Ship (in the car headed to the airport).  You will notice our matching shirt.  BEST IDEA EVER.  I was just going to purchase shirts for the kids, but then Mark pointed out the benefit of the adults wearing matching, obnoxiously bright colors too.  He was right.  It helped us to easily spot and keep track of our group of 8.

Dad and Le unloading luggage.

Gavin and Senn on the shuttle

Ship and Mom on the shuttle

Mom, Le, and Dad on the shuttle

Ship and Mom

Gavin and Senn

Grandpa, Grandma, and somebody else heading to the airport.

Watching planes.  Left to right: Gavin, Dad, Shipton

Dad with Ship

Ship and Gavin watching for planes

Le and Mom loading the plane

Ship and Dad (seat mates)

Grandma & Senn (seatmates)

Grandpa, Mom, and Ship heading inside the airport

Left to right: Ship, Senn, and Gavin (waiting for the car rental)

Left to right: Le, Ship, Senn, and Gav

Dad & Senn

Senn & Ship

Ship (with a touch of Senn's face)

Ship and Gavin writing

Dad & Senn

Dad with the kids (plus most of Mom) coloring while waiting for the rental

Mom and Dad


Senn, Ship, and Gav all loaded up and ready to roll.

Mom and Dad

Dad and Le

The trunk

The morning coming back.  Leland was very proud of his waffle.

Our last peek of sunshine.  We made it home to UT with fresh snow!  Funny story this picture stirs.  Right around the time this picture was taken, a woman stopped me and asked why our toddler didn't have a matching shirt.  On the flight over Ship had made a "two-sy" in his diaper.  I think the combination of being in his carseat at the time and staying sitting for about an hour, it ended up squishing up his back.  Dad, his seat mate, sheepishly asked for my help as I was walking past with my seat mate, Le.  He explained the loaded problem and we switched kids.  I found a mother's lounge and it was HORRIBLE.  It was basically from his thighs up to this mid-back.  I made the call to just toss his clothes in the trash.  I honestly didn't feel I had any prospects to save them.  Even if I washed them at the hotel, how in the world could I get them there? THAT is why Ship doesn't have a matching obnoxiously neon shirt in all the pictures.  It's just how we roll as mom sometimes, right?

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