I got these mixed up in order when downloading them. Daddy's bday party. |
Dad reading books to the kids. Clockwise starting a "12:" Sennika, Le and Dad, Shipton, and Gavin. |
Left to Right: Le, Senn, Gavin, and Ship. I braved the corn maze with the kids. They were so determined to figure it out, but we eventually cut through in a few places because we were so lost and running out of time. :) They had a BLAST though! |
I am sad this is blurry, but these are some of our new friends. The little boy is a few months younger than Gavin. Their friendship has blessed our home and we are grateful to fellowship them on their way. Carving pumpkins for FHE. |
Sennika finished the Book of Mormon! We are amazed at her determination to see it through. It was cute to hear her commentary along the lines of "oh no! They better hurry up and repent! They are running out of time! etc." |
Playing cards with our new friend (and Senn & Gav) |
Gavin has LOVED to play cards. He will ask at least three times a day to play war. I play as often as I can, even if it means I am multitasking to do it like in this picture of making dinner and tossing down my cards as I was able. |
Halloween. School was a joke. I couldn't get the kids to sit still and concentrate. Every rare once in a while, we throw in the towel. I called it quits and went to get my costume on (like the ninjas who came barging in during my yoga at 6 am---AKA Gavin and Leland). :) |
Recycled from last year, but I think I really rock being Snow White! :) |
Left to right: Sennika (as her own costume of Elsa), Gavin (ninja), Shipton (dog), and Leland (ninja). Kind of cute to mention about Sennika. She has a princess costume, but for whatever reasons he changed her mind and announced she was doing this instead. I asked her if she wanted any makeup to go with her costume. Without thinking twice, she said, "Mom, I don't need any make up. I am already beautiful." All right then! You go girl! |

I was grateful this little doggie fell fast asleep in the afternoon. I was able to make the popcorn balls and doughnuts for my Trick-or-Treating Primary kids in peace. :) We haven't participated in Trick-or-Treating the past several years and we have been extremely pleased with our choice. We do have a few treats and watch a movie together. This year Mark did allow them to "Trick-or-Treat." The kids followed him from room to room as they knocked on the bedroom or bathroom doors and he gave them a treat at a time. It was fun hearing their playfulness and joy together with him. |
Leland and Shipton seem to have discovered each other in the past few weeks. It has been fun for them to both have a playmate. Here they are playing with Ship's train table. |
Le has been extra creative lately. He wakes up in the morning eager to get going and most days doesn't slow down until bedtime routine. I am not sure what he was trying to accomplish, but he was really working on something that involved straws, a ruler, tinfoil, and tape. |
He made a parachute to launch toys off the play set. |
See? Friends. They were a hoot! Le announced, "We are synchronized jumpers." They repeated saying "synchronized jumpers" over and over until finally after a few minutes, Le asked, "Mom, what does synchronized mean?" |
Daddy raking up leaves and pine needles. |
More Ship and Le together. This time racing swings. |
Ship and his block tower. |
This dude! He is working on the Book of Mormon too and will have it done in the next few weeks (or sooner if he keeps reading extra like he has been). |
And this picture needs to get edited to send out baptism announcements. It's hard to believe he has grown to take this big step. We are excited for him and honored to be his parents and continue to support him on his journey through life! |
Smiley guy! :) |
Teasing with his dinner. |
Gavin playing silly sentences and making the longest sentence he can. |
Sennika dressed Leland up. |
Gavin giving Shipton a horse ride. |
Sennika giving Leland one. |
Daddy and Shipton playing rough. |
Leland writing in his journal |
Shipton all bundled up to play outside. |
Left to Right: Shipton, Gavin, and Sennika. They figured out how to make a hover board with the vent and a plate. |
Leland dressed to head out to play in the morning. He made sure to wear shorts, boots, gloves, a hat, and his coat. :) |
Senn being buried in pillows by Shipton. (Leland as the photo bomber). |
Shipton playing in the sandbox |
Sennika and Shipton. I loved all three of these pictures of their little conversation. |
All four kids playing. Left to Right: Shipton, Sennika, Gavin, and Leland. |
Ship! |
Gavin and his Lego glasses. |
Shipton coloring. |
Sennika playing dress up with one of her new friends from our co-op (homeschool families that get together every week). |
All four kiddos playing Legos. |
Dad helping the kids set up a puppet show for Family night activity. |
Left to right: Leland, Gavin, Shipton. Building Megablocks together. |
Left to right: Sennika, Gavin, and Leland playing in Sennika's room.
Shipton happened to be holding this card up. :) |
Le and Gavin bought some inflatable punching bags from the dollar store. They were tossing them up in the air for this picture. Later, Gavin was the sensi and he created a Dojo for his students (Senn, Le, and Ship) to learn karate. |
Mama with Ship. |
Senn working on Dad's bday card. |
Le and Ship working too. |
Shipton helping Dad read his cards. What a cute Daddy, right? He really tries to thank the kids and express appreciation when they think of him. |
And he genuinely enjoyed their notes. |
Without any prompting, the kids made their own home-made "kites" out of string, sticks, and grocery sacks. |
They were even sure to make one for Shipton. |
Gavin blowing up balloons to decorate for Dad's party.
Ship making his fish shirt talk.
Gav reading his long, long, long sentence.
Le and Gav figured out how to get the balloons to work their party blower for Dad's party.
Daddy reading
Le and Ship doing "synchronized jumping" on Ship's bed.
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