Most of these pictures are just every day moments with nothing in particular that is special about them. Looking at the faces of those I love and all these simple moments strung together fills my heart with joy! We are so blessed with wonderful children and a simple, but happy life together. Some of these are from way back in March! :s
Dying Easter eggs |
Daddy making stir fry for date night. |
Can you see Mark under the pile of kids? |
This was from the spring. Flying kites with Daddy |
More eggs |
More kites |
Sennika requested a princess party for her friend party. |
She insisted on her porcelain dolls joining her and her friend for the party. :) |
All dressed up for the ball. We did hair and nails then had lunch. |
Leland :) |
Leland wanted a picture of him helping me fold laundry. |
Swimming at the reservoir |
They gathered some kind of little creature. They called them "aquatic snails," but I don't think they was what they actually were. :) |
I came to check on Leland and he was making a pair of roller skates out of duplos. This kid seriously cracks me up! |
Shipton all gussied up for church. |
Leland playing with Gak. I am laughing to myself because almost every picture so far he has had this outfit on. It is seriously his favorite outfit and he will wear it anytime it's in his drawer. |
My sister, Annie, and her family stayed over night on their way to the family reunion. It was so fun to have them. My Mark and I both enjoyed their kiddos where they are all younger compared to ours. Such a cute family! Here is Abigail (cousin) and Leland playing together. |
Grace (cousin), Mark (my bro-in-law), holding Benjamin (cousin), and Annie (my sister) |
Sennika and Abigail presented a fashion show for us. |
Le |
Shipton. He loves to play with gal or play dough with this play dough factory toy. |
homemade pudding |
We spent a week in Idaho. My brother, Jason, came home from his mission. We met him at the airport. |
I'm sad I didn't take more pictures! Here is eating lunch after we hiked Cress creek. Left to right: Jason and Gabe (my brothers) and Jeff (nephew) |
Left to right: Grandma Oldham (my grandma), Aly (my sister), I think that is Brooke's back in the pink (niece), Taylor is the red shirt half (niece), Kendra (my sister), Eli and Jaxon (nephews), Gavin, and Leland |
Same as above, but Logan (nephew) on the very right now |
Nevermind! The pink was Sennika. :) And Grandpa Oldham is in this one |
Left to right: Bentley (nephew), Isaiah (nephew), my Mom in the back, Brooke (cousin), Jodene (sister), Jake (brother), Claire (niece), Sebastian (nephew), and Hannah (sister-in-law) |
Bentley, Gavin, and Shipton |
Gabe wearing my hat. I think it looks better on him. :) |
Uncle Gabe with Shipton |
Aunt Kelcey and my brother Uncle Justin helping the kids enjoy the merry-go-round. They loved this thing and overall did well, but all 3 big kids were a muddy mess by the time we left. |
Shipton. <3 Oh I just want to munch those chubby cheeks! |
Standing the tallest is Aly, then Isaiah, Jeff in orange, and Gabe in blue starting to climb |
We stayed in Rexburg Tuesday through Sunday, then headed to Idaho Falls Sunday evening for a few days with Mark's parents. Grandma treated the kids and I to the zoo. Watching the penguins eat. |
Brushing the goats. |
Left to right: Leland, Sennika, and Grandma |
Shipton. He was so tender and soft. It was adorable! |
It doesn't help for pictures that Gavin and Leland had matching shirts, does it? Gavin is on the left, Leland on the right. |
Which came first? The chicken or the egg? (Gavin) |
Leland |
Shipton |
Leland, Gavin, Sennika |
Left to right: Shipton, Leland, Gavin, Sennika. They purposefully positioned themselves youngest to oldest. :) |
Checking out our wingspans |
Every year our ward does a "red neck waterside" activity. There is some heavy plastic-y stuff set up going down a hill with a hose at the top. That's it. Nothing fancy, but such a blast! This year Sennika was brave enough to try going down the "baby" one. But she did it and went over and over again. |
There was no surprise to us that Gavin jumped right in and hit the steep slide and did it over and over again until we couldn't hold off on dinner any longer. Then a few more slides until it was time to go home. |
Even Shipton loved the steep slide as long as he was with Daddy. |
I couldn't catch Leland going down, but here he is coming back up from the bottom of the steep one with Dad. He went down both and loved it. |
This is what the kids call "pig pile loves." After family prayer, everyone smooches in for a squishy group hug. |
We bought the kids matching jammies and tried really, really hard to get a cute picture. Didn't work. It says "I MOOSE (must) have a hug." Hence the zombie looking outstretched arms. haha... |
Shipton loves to "check on his cars." Here he is playing in his room. |
The plums are on! All four kids were so joyful about picking with me. It truly makes yard work heavenly. |
Leland reaching higher. |
This is what we picked that morning. We had already given some away plus plenty left on the tree. I have been making plum freezer jam and fruit leather all week! |
Making jam with Shipton in the wrap. (He is also teething all 4 of his 2 year old molars, so it has been a "hold me," kind of week). |
With all the jam, I baked homemade bread. Even though the kids teased me about it, it was such pretty (and tasty) bread. |
Leland's 6th bday! |
We gave him a metal detector and a harmonica. He has liked the harmonica the most. After playing for about 30 seconds, he announced, "I was BORN to play the harmonica." :) Such a cute kid! |
Gavin and Shipton playing in the sandbox. |
Sennika the paper doll coloring maniac. :) |
Leland wanted a "mud pie" cake with gummy worms. |
SIX! |
Gavin (with Shipton down by his legs) in the garden. This has been such a fun time of the year! Every morning we go check for ripe berries, fruit, and veggies. We planted simply this year with the cruise and the sprinklers needing repair we were late to start. |
Playing Legos in the boys' room. Left to right: Sennika, Gavin, and Leland |
More eggs. Left to right: Leland, Sennika, and Gavin |
Shipton coloring his eggs |
Dad reading to Leland |
Shipton learned to smile for the camera. :) |
Even though most people say he looks like his Daddy, I think he has Mama's smile. :) |
Shipton doing yoga with Mom. |
Playing with the selfie setting on the iPad. |
Shipton laying there coloring like a big kid. |
Daddy reading with Shipton. |
Le and Mom |
Sennika playing with her bday present. She saved for months for the Lego friends grand hotel set and we paid the difference. I am proud of her for setting her mind to it! |
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Leland having a superman ride. |
More of Sennika's bday (breakfast) |
Daddy helping Shipton to walk on the ceiling. |
Fixing the dryer. |
Father's Day. Sennika made Mark a crown and gave him a cape. :) |
The way Leland's mind (and all of my creative children) just blows me away. He made a bow and arrow out of a hanger with a piece of thick elastic tied to it. He used a skewer for an arrow and asked for he to help tie a plastic bag around his shoulder for a sling for his spare arrows to be in. |
Shitpon and Sennika doing yoga with Mom. |
Left to right: Shipton, Leland, Gaivn, and Sennika |
Cleaning up from dinner we found Shipton sized bite marks in his apples. I don't know why but we thought it was so cute and tiny. |
Another one of the kids' great ideas: they decided to put on their Halloween costumes and go trick-or-treating for lunch and watch a movie. Sure! I can cater to that. Left to right: Shipton, Leland, Gavin, and Sennika |
coloring. Shipton requested his doggy costume over his clothes for about a week. He didn't care it was June and hot. :) |
Shipton playing with water bottles and Sennika coloring |
This is after coming back from Idaho. Totally exhausted. |
A green pepper from our garden. Mom <3's green peppers!!! |
4th of July selfies of the girls! |
Complete strangers stop me all of the time to comment about her being my mini me. :) |
We went to the parade in Honeyville. It was totally "redneck" and perfect for us. Short and sweet. |
My sister, Kendra, was so kind to invite us for a BBQ for the 4th. My brother, Justin, also came up from Provo. Sadly with all the fun this is the one and only picture we took! Clockwise starting at "12 o'clk:" Jaxon (cousin), Leland, Sennika, and Gavin. |
Waiting for fireworks in Brigham City. |
Mark and Sennika |
Our parade crew! My kids crack me up. They bring their Halloween buckets to the parade every year. |
Headed to fireworks! |
Gavin and Sennika threw together a fashion show at Grandma and Grandpa Willis's house. They even made a "red carpet" to walk on. |
FHE in Idaho. Left to right: Gavin, Grandma Dalley (Mark's grandma), and Grandma Willis (Mark's mom). They are sharing a family tree of Grandma Dalley's posterity. |
Shipton and Mom sword fighting. SUCH A BOY! |
Gavin! <3 |
Gavin and his etch-a-sketch design. |
Gavin reading |
Gavin pushing Shipton. |
One more Gavin at the park. |
More with Grandma Dalley. |
This was from Mark's phone. I have no idea what these two were up to. Haha... |
Shipton swinging with Mom on the crazy awesome swing set Grandpa Barnhill built. |
At Grandma and Grandpa Barnhill's house. L to R: Senn, Le, and Gavin |
Leland and Gavin having breakfast. My Mom did awesome hosting all 10 kids, 4 of which have children of their own. She made all of the son-in-law's favorite breakfasts, homemade pizzas, and even did fish and chips with the halibut grandpa caught in Alaska. She did such a great job! |
Shipton playing with Ziggy, G & G Barnhill's dog. |
Gavin playing on G&G Barnhill's hammock. He would lay up-side-down like that for about 30 min at a time. |
Gavin, Sennika, and Shipton |
Leland finding ladybugs at the park |
Leland and Sennika caring for their "pet" snails. |
Silly selfies with Leland and Mom |
Leland wearing Mark's shirt and hat |
At the Lego night at the library |
Our ward also does a yearly Luau. We left the phone with the sitter, so no pictures, but here we are ready to head out. |
The one and only picture of the Oldham reunion at the girls camp in Heber, UT. |
This is such an iconic summer picture, isn't it? After family pictures we thought we better hit one of our favorite ice-cream stops in Rexburg. |
We went to the temple Sunday morning. exburg. |
More ice-cream after pictures |
Rootbeer floats. Left to Right: Sennika, Shipton, Leland with Mom, Gavin |
Crazy selfies while Sennika and Gavin changed outfits for the fashion show. |
The kids often request Mark to sniff his lips. Haha... |
Sennika and Gavin making silly faces |
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Dad with Shipton |
Shipton laughing with Mom |
Shipton |
Gavin and Sennika with the snails |
Leland soaked from running through the sprinklers at the school yard |
More sprinklers... |
Laying on the asphalt to warm up from the sprinklers |
Mark working with Leland and Gavin to remove the stump from the tree in our front yard. |
Thanks to his friend, Rand, they did it! |
Sennika, Leland, and Gavin swinging at the park. |
Gavin taught Shipton how to do a somersault! Caught him in action! |
This is how he taught him...
And a few very stinking CUTE movie clips: |
Leland playing his guitar. I have no idea where he learned so rock-star like choreography. This is intense. :)
This is seriously just a normal moment in our life. Sennika turned on this music because I was vacuuming. (Not sure the connection there). I love in this clip how well it shows that they all just are doing their own thing. Such fun kids!
Picking plums. I cannot adequately describe their joyful team work.
Leland used his Bday money from G&G Barnhill plus some he had saved for a remote control helicopter. The kids were seriously delighted about it.
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