Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Easter weekend 2017

On the Monday before Easter, we talked about the events surrounding the Resurrection for our Family Night lesson.  We had "Resurrection rolls" for our treat (rolls with a marshmallow inside and rolled in butter/cinnamon/sugar. Shipton was probably the most amazed because he helped me prepare them.  He knew there had been a marshmallow inside.  The heat caused the marshmallows to melt, so they come out hollow inside...just like the empty tomb). For our activity we colored eggs.  Left to right: Senn, Ship, and Le.  I need to go check the iPad and see if I snapped a few pictures of Gavin. He was happily coloring away on his eggs sitting on the floor.

This is probably the first time Shipton really understood and he thought the whole experience was super cool. :)

Last year when my Birthday was coming up, we were still new to this area and our ward.  I was teaching the children ages 18 months-3-years-old at the time.  I told Mark I wanted to have a Birthday party and I was going to invite my friends (my nursery kiddos).  Since Easter fell in March, it was perfect to do an Easter celebration with an egg hunt.  This year, as I have mentioned previously, I teach all of the children ages 3-11 music.  When I got the calling, Mark seemed amused with my comment, "This means a bigger egg hunt this year."  And it was!  The kids were such little delightful egg fillers.  They truly enjoyed stuffing eggs and hiding them.  I think we will have eggs turn out throughout the summer because some of them were hidden so well.

Gavin hiding away.

Senn.  This picture cracks me up. 



Dad with Ship (glad he snuck a picture and wasn't just the photographer of us putting out eggs).

We ended up with 20 of my primary children plus their parents for the egg hunt. I LOVE having a house full of people, especially children! I loved to watch them just run right in and seem to be comfortable and secretly I did enjoy that several of them had a hard time when their parents told them it was time to go.:)  TRULY it is our greatest hope that everyone will feel welcomed in our home.  

Stampede going out!

I loved watching the kids enjoy their eggs and playing together.

Dad reading to the kids after everyone left.

We recently purchased a chicken coop with the intent to get baby chicks.  We decided this was the weekend to do it.  Here are the kids helping to "watch" the chicks in their carrying case while Dad set up their new home in the garage.

Easter baskets (and a handsome hubby)

Ship with his basket.

Left to right: Le, Gavin, and Ship


We include kites in their Easter baskets every year.  Here is Dad making sure all the kids are set up (plus can you spot all four kids behind him).  We are fortunate to live right next to the school yard.
It was pretty great flying weather.  Not too windy, but decent enough to get them going.




After church we had to peek at the chicks.  So far, so good...all alive at this point.

It doesn't cross my mind to catch a picture when the kids are all gussied up because A. church STARTS at 8:30 the in EARLY.  Mark has a meeting before church, so I usually fly solo to get the 5 of us out the door.  B. After church, who cares to stay in stuffy clothes?  The kids were long changed before an Easter picture crossed my mind.  Haha...but we did have Gavin snap this of us in front of the lilacs.

After our yummy dinner, we headed out for a walk/scoot.

Dad with Shipton.  I love this picture of these two!

Le (note all the "treasures" he gathered up on our walk.  We ended back at the school yard again to let the kids run in the field)

Gavin is explaining the "life cycle of the pencil," as he called it.  The kids couldn't figure out why other kids would toss "perfectly good" pencils on the school ground.  

Another peek at the chicks.

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