Friday, May 13, 2016

Out Walking....

Left to right:  Sennika, Gavin, Shipton (sleeping) :), and Leland
We keep trying to catch our favorite shaved ice "watering hole," but Gavin is convinced the hours of operation have been set up to avoid us.  Last time we expected it to be open in the evening, but they close at 6 pm.  We went yesterday and for whatever reason they had a notice up that for 2 days in a row they wouldn't open until about 4 pm.  The kids were disappointed PLUS we walked all the way to the other side of town.  They opted for frosties again rather than wait until later for the shaved ice.

A side thought: Shipton is still breastfeeding.  Just like I never expected to have 3 children in 3 years (Senn, Gavin, and Le), I never expected to nurse a toddler...especially this long.  He has gone to nursery at church and has been potty trained, but here we are still nursing.  Part of me wondered if his lingering would enable my milk to stay in to be able to nurse Baby.  Nursing calms him down better than anything else.  He associated it with comfort and I think his continued nursing has been more about that than actually getting any milk.  I wanted to nurse Shipton longer than I did with the older three.  They all weaned around 9 months.  He would probably be happy to nurse for the rest of his life it seems!  I have been so done for quite a while, but he is so cute and polite.  He asks in the sweetest tiny voice "could I have milk-y time please?" as he looks at me with his great big eyes.  I was dreading nap time yesterday because with holding firm in weaning, it breaks his little heart when I offer his Sippy cup and snuggles instead.  HUGE tender mercy for me yesterday was his falling asleep on the walk home.  He was so soundly asleep, he slept in the stroller in the shade while I worked on the flower beds in the front yard.

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